Monday, September 24, 2018

Focus Versus Urgency

Many modern software development frameworks emphasize getting to done.

When transitioning to such a process from a traditional project-management structure, a lot of people seem to map this to the old concept of urgency. In other words, they think that "get to done" means "rush".

It doesn't.

I think that emphasis on getting one thing to done is, fundamentally, about creating focus. To me, that's what the importance of doneness in an Agile or Lean framework is all about: Keeping focus on the most important thing and keeping work away from less important things.

That can be hugely beneficial. If, however, you let "get to done" turn into a code phrase for "maintain urgency", then you lose that very important benefit. You run the risk of people doing unimportant things while important things language and corroding the quality of your software along the way.