Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Retroactive Post

On the 15th of January, I missed my first post. I'm setting the time of this post according to when it should have gone out so that it's in the right order and can be looked up but I'm not trying to hide that I missed my mark.

I'm not particularly ashamed of missing a minor goal like posting every day for a year. It's been a really difficult couple of months and even getting as close to that goal as I have was a real accomplishment.

It's important to not chastise yourself when you miss a goal. A goal is a target. Targets get missed. When you miss your target, in most contexts, you just try again. There are cases when that's not true - snipers, lunar landings, and the like - but they are few and far between.

For most of us, it's important to accept that failure is possible and even likely. Instead of lamenting it, we can take it as an opportunity to revise our approach or reinvent our goals.