Saturday, August 25, 2018

"There's No Time!"

A man was driving to a meeting and he was very late.

Every few minutes, he looked at his watch, gritted his teeth, then stamped his foot down on the accelerator.

The trend continued when he got to a winding road down a hill. After a few bends, he lost control of the vehicle. He slid off the road and into a patch of gravel.

Getting his car back on the road and up to speed took time. This made him even more late than he was, before. So he pushed his vehicle even harder and went even faster.

A policeman waiting behind a turn saw the man speeding and started to pull out to go after him.

The driver continued to accelerate through a curve and lost control of his car. He slid off the road and down an embankment, slamming into a large rock. The boulder actually saved his life as the next stop was a cliff and a two-hundred foot drop into a craggy ravine.

The policeman carefully made his way down the slope and worked around to the driver's side of the car to find the man bloodied and in pain but still conscious.

"Are you hurt?" asked the cop.

"Yes. I think my leg's broken," replied the man. He sounded very worried when he added "I'm very late for my meeting."

"Calm down," said the police officer. "An ambulance is on it's way. You're going to be fine."

"An ambulance!" shouted the man. "There's no time for that!"

As the policeman began to work open the car door, he asked, "Why didn't you slow down for the curve?"

"Didn't you hear me?" answered the man. "There's no time."